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My dog keeps on wandering to another house and stays there

18 14:43:07

My dog does not stay at home with me! My dog  goes to my neighbor's house and stays there,until I go and take him home
again.I went out two times  to fetch my dog!
My dog spends more and more time at my neighbor's house!
What is the meaning of this behavior? Is my dog sick?
What do I have to do?

Your dog might be lonely. He is not getting some kind of need met at your house or he would stay home.Are they feeding him? Then go have a nice chat with them and ask them to please stop for the sake of his health. Most dogs will go to the house where the free handouts are.

You might want to build a yard to keep him in. You might want to get him a small playmate. Do they have children? Maybe your dog loves kids.

Some dogs are very independent and will go visiting all over the place if not confined. You need to get him neutered if he isn't and fence him in. He isn't sick, he has an emotional need that isn't being met.

Spend more time with him, take him for walks and play with him. Since you don't say if this is new behavior or it has been this way all along, that is about all I can tell you.

You might want to talk to a pet behaviorist also.