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leg injury

18 15:12:16

our mini Shiatsu was injured today by a large breed dog, he was grabbed by his mid section and shaken, appears to have a broken back leg or possibly dislocated, still walks though in pain, do to expenses from evacuating from recent hurricane Ike, we can't afford to take him to the vet, if the leg is broken will it heal on its own or can we set it any way to heal, please help

Any time a dog is injured by a large dog you are talking about injuries that can be life-threatening and most of those you cannot even see on the outside.

When a dog shakes another dog they tear all kinds of attachments inside the dog apart and can cause internal bleeding and untold pain and suffering.

If the leg is twisted in any kind of angle it is most likely broken. They don't usually walk on broken legs or dislocated ones so maybe it just has a small green stick fracture of the bone. You didn't say how old this dog is and I am not even sure what kind it is. Did you mean a Shih Tzu? A shiatsu is a massager as far as I know!

What worries me the most about this injury are the internal ones. This dog needs to see a vet to make sure it isn't bleeding inside or has a ruptured liver, spleen or even bladder.

You cannot set the leg of a dog without an anesthetic and that can only be done by the vet. I understand your problem with having to evacuate but this dog is counting on you to care of him and keep him from pain and suffering. Maybe a shelter will have a vet that can see the dog for a lower cost due to the evac conditions.

One way or the other, however, this little guy needs a veterinarian- the sooner the better.
I hope you can see your way to get him to one and soon. Please keep me informed on his condition.
take care