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My dog ate chocolate

18 14:38:13

My German-shepherd/ sheltie mix full grown 9 year old dog ate a bag of milk chocolate dove chocolate with caramel in the center. She weighs a good 60 lbs. We took her food away from her and are keeping her outside just in case she starts vomiting, we think she ate them at least 6 hours ago, is she going to be okay? What else should we do?

She will most likely be okay, especially if she ate them 6 hours ago. Milk chocolate doesn't have as much of the compound in it that is poisonous to dogs- theobromine, but it will certainly make them sick and have pretty good diarrhea.

If it was dark chocolate you should induce vomiting but even that won't help after 6 hours.
Keep a close eye on her and call your vet at the first sign of anything unusual, such as staggering, excessive drooling, etc.