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Back to ears

18 15:50:51

I wrote you recently, but did not have much info to provide. Now I do. My Lab mix has arthritis in his back legs, but over the last several months had more problems walking and occasionally would just fall over. Last Wednesday, he fell over in the house and simply could not get up. I thought he'd had a stroke. My vet tells me he has an ear inflammation, which might be causing his balance problem. More important, however, after testing, we now know he has a thyroid problem for which he will need medication. I am bringing him home on Monday, and he apparently is eating and drinking just fine now. He's still having problems walking. The vet simply said this will go away in time, mostly when my dog decides it's time. I don't really know what that means. I also don't know if the ear inflammation is part of this problem and must be treated as well. Is an inflammation curable, and how? And would the thyroid problem cause an imbalance? He's improving daily, little by little.
I really appreciate your help!

There is a disease called vestibular disease of old dogs that will go away on its own.  However, if it is a middle ear infection causing the wobbliness, that needs treatment.  What I do in these cases is to puncture the eardrum and flush out the chamber of the middle ear so I can medicate the middle ear.  The thyroid problem does not usually affect them in that way.