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runny eyes

18 15:43:33

16 yr old indoor cat. has had runny eyes before. seems to be seasonal. could it be allergy related? is there an over the counter medicine i could give to see if it clears up. i know dogs can take benedryll what about a diluted version for cats? i dont have much money so if its allergies that can be controlled at home beofore infection sets in that would be great. the left eye is runner than the right and it is clear. shes not coughing or acting abnormal. but the doors have been open since the weather has cooled.

Allergies certainly can affect cats.  If there is any green or yellow discharge, this is not from allergies and is infection.  The only over the counter anti-histamine I use in cats is Clortrimeton (Chlorphinaramine) and dose it as 2 mg every 12 hours.  DO NOT give anything with decongestants in it, or use a combination cold remedey. Tylenol (acetominophen), for example, will kill a cat!