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Swollen eyes?

18 15:40:04

Today my bull dog mix has been acting very strange with her eyes. She sits with them closed and maybe tries to open them, but seems as though she can't. Her eyes are blotchy red and there is a small black mark in each eye at the same spot (normal?). My question is, is this something that we need to contact the vet about or would a simple saline solution do? She also has a gray kinda circle around the color part of her eye. Im worried this is something serious. Any suggestions?

Dear Jessica, I am sure the markings in her eyes are normal but as far as the swelling and the redness are concerned this may be something you may want to have a vet take a look at. It may be an eye irritation or even some form of allergy your pet may have developed, regardless, it is never wise to diagnose and treat your pet without professional consultation.  Please visit your vet.

I hope this is helpful and keep me updated! Sending wagging
tails your way! ...Nikki...