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Hi there Jennifer!What do...

18 16:05:33

Hi there Jennifer!What do you do for a cat or dog with any broken bone besides take it to the vet?
Also,can you tell me all about cat and dog nutrition,behavior,top 10 breeds,pregnancy and more general care.I will be sure to rate you since you are taking the time to answer this question!Thanks again,
Amanda, Amber  

Hello Amanda, Amber.

If a pet has a broken bone, you must take him or her to the vet and have x-rays.  A splint may suffice for the lower leg depending on what type of break or the pet may need to have surgery to pin or plate the leg.  Broken ribs don't really require treatment except pain medication.  Sometimes there is nothing you can do when the pelvis is broken.

For Nutrition, I recommend an all-natural premium diet such as Innova, Nutro Natural, California Natural, Verus, Wysong...these foods are high quality and do not contain animal by-products.

I do not really know the top 10 breeds...most common dogs that I see at work are Labs, Goldens, German Sheps, Beagles, Dachshunds, a lot of Terriers, and many many mixed breeds.  Most cats are domestic short hairs and I see a lot of Siamese, a few Mainecoons and persians too.

Pregnancy in dogs and cats lasts 63 days plus or minus 5 days.

If you are interested in pet care, then I would recommend that you go to the library to read up on pets as there is too much detail to give you all information on general care.

There is an encylcopedia on my website that you can look up dog and cat diseases and treatments.

Also the AVMA has a nice website and click the care for animals tab.

And has a lot of information on dog and cat care too.

Dr. Fry