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jack russel skin complaint

18 15:10:10

my jack russel itches constantly. The skin around her belly and feet is pink and she chews the fur off her feet and rolls on her back to relieve the itch. She is 14 years old and eats a balanced diet of dog biscuits for mature dogs.We have taken her to the vet who  gave her cortizone injections regularly--I don't believe in this form of medication and am seeking a cure rather than temporary relief. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thank you

Itching in a 14 year old Jack Russel may be a food allergy type of reaction.  Intermittent cortisone may help relieve the discomfort, and they are fairly safe if your dog does not have any kidney problems.  I would change the dog's diet to a hypoallergenic food.  Ask youtr vet for a recommendation.  Do that for 6-8 weeks and see if it makes a difference.  In addition, I would also add omega3 fatty acids to the diet to help relieve the itching. It can take 30-45 days for that to start working, too.