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cat sneezing

18 14:45:52

  We have a 6 year old cat. For the past few days she is sneezing allot. I think that it is worse at night, but that could be that I notice it more when the house is quite. Other then the sneezing she seems like her normal self. We did have a 2 year male cat, but he went missing 3 weeks ago, but he seemed fine. Should I be worried about her sneezing, she is a much loved children pet.
Thank you for your time

Jaime -

You should have your examined by a veterinarian.  There may be a foreign body in the nose that is causing him to sneeze.   Allergies may also be the culprit.  Your vet can determine  the cause of your cat's sneezing.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM