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House-breaking trouble

18 15:51:03


My name is Angie Hager.  My husband and I purchased a Silky Terrier puppy, Sissy, almost three weeks ago.  She is now 13 weeks old.  We are in the process of crate training/house breaking her.  We are having a very difficult time getting her to "poop" in her designated elimination area.  She will urinate without hesitation, but she absolutely refuses to poop.  She will hold it until she gets back indoors.  When I catch her in the act, I startle her to stop her and I then take her directly outside.  Even though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has to go, she refuses.  I try not to stay out there longer than 10-15 minutes, as she will begin to play.  This is very frustrating for us.  Could it be the grass she doesn't like, or is it just plain stubborness?

Thanks so much,
Angie Hager
Birmingham, Alabama

Hi Angie

You should put her on a leash when going outside.  Make sure she is eating on a meal schedule...2 or 3 times a day and take her out to bathroom shortly after eating.  Do not let her free-feed throughout the day.  Put food out and take it away in 20 minutes if she did not finish.

PRAISE and REWARD her when she goes potty.  Also give her a special treat to re-inforce this good behavior.  She may need that 10-15 minutes of activity to stimulate her to go to bathroom.  Continue taking her out regularly and be patient, she is still young.