Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > We have an adorable 18mo poodle...

We have an adorable 18mo poodle...

18 16:06:03

We have an adorable 18mo poodle mix (from shelter).
No history available.

Our concern is:

She has 4-5 bowel movements a day, including during the night.

Fecus is firm and normal looking.

Has 1 cup of dry food per day + water + 3-4 sm Iams dry biscuits.  We have eliminated biscuits as of 3 days ago.

Has thrown up occasionally (approx. 6 times in past 7 mo) and can best be described as looking like scrambled eggs.

Our vet does not seem concerned and has offered no possibilities.

Can you help???

Many thanks-

Bob & Jean Wagner and "Reagan"

Thats NORMAL for you dog. If he is going that many times and its normal looking, than thats OK for him.

make sure he is on a high quality diet and you can keep doing treats, thats fine. Apples and carrots are great snacks!

Occasional vomiting is OK, just watch for more frequent vomiting.
