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Need Advice Regarding my Ferret

18 15:16:55

Hi Dr. Sherrell,

I appreciate any help you might be able to offer.  I am a single mom, just suffered a neck injury, and have no insurance for my Ferrets.  I have three whom I love them like my own children.  I am a Massage Practice but do not even have Insurance on myself because the premium is too high.

I just noticed my female ferret has a symptom of Adrenal Disease.  Her vulva is swollen, and she is losing hair around the tail.  My question is:  Is there anyone/anyplace that can help me treat her that I might be able to afford. My fiance has some kind of Insurance...Pet Care, I believe. But it will not cover exotics.  I am sick just thinking of losing her.  

Also, can I try alternative treatment too?  I have seen God work miracles so I Know prayer works also.  But any advice you can give me right now will greatly relieve my mind.

Thank you,  Rachel

Rachel -

Call your local Humane Society to find out if they offer help to defray the costs of adrenal surgery.  You cold also call a Ferret Rescue group in your area if you have one to determine if they would be willing to help you financially.

The first thing you should do is to contact a veterinarian.  He/she can determine what your pet needs.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM