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Labrador Puppy with elevated white count

18 15:29:31

My Vet saw my 17-week old Labrador puppy this morning after having seen him yesterday because he was vomiting, shaking and lethargic. Yesterday he was given IV fluids and the needle was apparently inserted into his chest area. This morning he was still lethargic and cried very loudly if touched below the neck and so we brought him back in. The Vet did a work up of his blood which showed a slightly elevated white count. He prescribed RIMADL 25mg twice daily (for pain) and METRONIDAZOLE 250mg twice daily (for infection). After getting home and checking online for side effects it appears both prescriptions are NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PUPPIES. I am very hesitant to give any further dosage of either prescription. My vet left town for his vacation home and is unreachable for the next several days. Any advise you can give will be appreciated. Thank you.

Apologies for the delayed response.  Metronidazole is used quite often in puppies.  It is good to be avoided in very young puppies when possible, but with the age of your puppy it should be safe to use.

The Rimdyl they have prescribed is the smallest dose tablet available so should also be safe to use.  

Note different animals have different reactions to medications.  No medication is tolerated by 100 of animals, but these are widely used and considered safe.

I hope this helps and your canine companion will be better soon.