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breathing difficulty

18 16:05:59

my 2 yr old cat has difficulty breathing.she always sounds congested and makes snoring sounds from her throat area.anti biotics help somewhat but only vet thinks she might have a cyst in her mouth,possibly near or behind the soft pallett in her mouth.have you come across any similar problems in cats?thank you....paul

Hi Paul.  It's very hard to say what could be causing this without physically examining your kitty.  I can tell you however, that asthma is common in kitties.  This may be what is ailing your little girl.  Heart problems and murmurs can also cause breathing difficulty, as can the wet form of FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).  I would recommend blood work to ensure that there is nothing infectious causing her discomfort.  Steroids often help breathing problems as they reduce swelling in the bronchial tubes and a steroid treatment may be beneficial to your cat.
I hope that this helps, and I wish I could help more!
Give your little girl some kisses for me!