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cats and worms

18 15:46:36

My kitty is pregnant (first time-she's almost a year old) and last night after holding her I find a little white worm on my shirt. The white one that looks like a grain of rice. I'm not sure how far along she is, but I think its really close to time to deliver. She has not been outside except once since going into heat (the one trip out--results coming soon) and she isn't a table scrap eater, gets plenty of fresh water and fresh dry food as she doesn't care for canned cat food.
Is there anything I can do for her or best wait til the kitten are here and weaned to worry about the worms? Thank you.

Sounds like a tapeworm, which she got either from eating a rodent or a flea.

We usually use Droncit or Drontal for deworming, however, you would have to ask your vet to check the label to see if it is safe for pregnant animals as I do not know off the top of my head.  Usually these medications are safe.