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small liver question - again?

18 15:11:21


Wow, that wasn't a very helpful answer... what an assumption. I'm sure that happens, but geez. Okay, so again -  We were told that my dog, Reagan, had a small liver, just as a comment on an xray for his stomach (vomiting and diarrhea) problems. I'm sorry, but I can't afford for them to do tests "just to find out" - if his behavior now is due to this small liver thing, then I'll see if I can scrape the money together to have them done - but since my vet never brought it up again, I haven't necessarily asked about it or symptoms either. My vet is really good, but terribly expensive!! If I have an idea of what to look for, and I see it, I'll get those tests done. He's a little overweight and he's eating Iam's Weight Control or Purina Fit and Trim. He gets bored by the time we get toward the bottom of the bag, so we switch it out over those last few weeks. He does have some of those fatty tumors on him, though the vet said those are normal. I don't know what else might be a sign of a problem. I'll attach his picture so you can see what I mean about the "gray" - ?premature aging? He was about 5 years old when this was taken.
I didn't ask the question of the holistic vet because I'm not sure about all that stuff, but maybe I should have?

Debbie -

What wasn't a helpful answer - was it an answer I gave?  I looked for my answer to your question and could not find it.

In reference to your question - are you asking what to look for if your dog has a small liver?  Is the liver small due to degeneration?  Is the liver small due to congenital deformity?  Your vet can better answer these questions than I can.  I need to see the radiograph and would also need a history of your dog's health.  Your vet should be able to help you regarding your pet's liver since he has already seen the radiograph.

As far as your dog being prematurely gray - five years of age is young for a dog to go completely gray but that would depend on the breed and the amount of stress the dog has been placed under.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM