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Cat problems...

18 15:56:13

My grandmother is sick with worry about her cat, he is an older tom cat and he can't go to the 'bathroom'. What do you do for a cat that is all bound up? Any home remedies?

Hi Melissa!  You know, I am concerned because normally when people think that their male cats are constipated, they are actually experiencing a urinary blockage.  I would definately recommend a vet visit ASAP to check for that.  If it is a urinary blockage, it literally poisons the system and can be fatal if not taken care of right away.  I don't want to just strictly tell you a remedy for constipation, if this could be a urinary blockage.
If your grandmother has just changed the litter box and can clearly see normal amounts of urine in the litter box that have been produced recently....that would make it more than likely constipation.  A urinary blockage can also allow the cat to produce just a tiny bit of urine, and often times bloody urine.  If your grandmother's cat is very lethargic, listless, won't eat, is vomiting a foamy substance, and is in agony when his belly is touched or when he is picked up....these are classic symptoms of a urinary blockage, besides being unable to produce urine.  A urinary blockage is caused by crystals in the urine that get stuck in the urethra, and is very common in male cats.  Her veterinarian will place a urinary catheter, allowing the urine and crystals to pass, which will unblock him.  Antibiotics are also important.
If there is normal production of urine in the litter box, and it is absolutely certain that this is constipation, canned pumkin works really well.  Letting the kitty lick some butter also works.  If the constipation is severe, a vet visit for an enema may be unavoidable.
I hope this helps and best of luck!  Please keep me posted!