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Introducing two cats

18 15:56:13

I just adopted a kitten from the Humane Society, and am wondering how to introduce her to my 4 year old male cat that I have now.  He does great with dogs and other people.  I want to make the transition as easy as possible.  Thanks!

Hi Jennifer!  If the kitten has already been feline leukemia tested and FIV tested, and your adult cat is up to date on his shots, you can introduce them right away!
I have five cats, and I'll warn you now.  There may be alot of hissing and wrestling, ect.  They need to go through this to determine who is in charge and so that they know their ranking.  I usually  just bring the kitten/cat into my home in a carrier.  Put the carrier on the floor and let my other pets check it out and get the scent.  Then I let the cat out.  Usually, one of my cats will hiss and spit, but my others are very easy going.  It does take time.  I found that not keeping them seperated and letting them get to know eachother right off the bat, always works best.  They really don't have a choice but to learn how to live with eachother, and all of mine have become the best of friends.  It may take hours, days, weeks, even months for cats to be comfortable around eachother...and they may instantly like eachother!  Just be sure to give them equal attention, feed them some cans from the same bowl, give treats to them both (my guys LOVE Pounce treats!), and play with them together.  They will eventually become buddies:)
Best of luck and congrats on your new baby!