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10 yr. old Dalmations ears

18 16:06:34

I took my dog to the vet months ago and he was diagnosed with a yeast infection in his ears. The vet cleaned his ears and sold me some drops. The infection, smell, yellow build up keeps comming back in my dogs ears and I cannot keep running to the vet. Sorry, too much money at this time. Is there anything generic that I can use to clean out my dogs ears and rid him of this bothersome yeast infection before he shakes his head off? Thank you.

Yeast infections result from allergies.  If you have not had the dog treated for the allergies, then the ear disease will never go away.  It is easy to treat food allergies by changing the diet and to treat the pollen/mold allergies by bathing and steroid tablets.  Keep up the ear cleaner.  That is the easiest way to keep the wax out of the ear.