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Older Cat peeing around house

18 14:10:32


I have a 9 year old fixed male cat and hes often been peeing on towels and clothes on the floor. As much as I try to keep the place tidy he always finds something. Its not the same place twice.

He has had UTIs in the past  (years ago) but now I keep out more bowls of water and when he does pee its  a LOT. He will even pee right in front of me. I know anxiety can cause this behavior and since I'm planning on moving there are boxes packed. Is it possible he can sense a change happening? Is it maybe because of his age?

I just don't want him doing this at our new place.

Cats, especially older cats, do not react well to stress and moving. Now you didn't say when this started. Did it start when you started packing or is it something that has been going on for nine years?

Cats can only tell you when something is wrong by inappropriate elimination and other such behaviors.

When was the last time he was checked by a vet? Has his urine been tested for PH and is he on a special food that reduces UTIs?

If this is new, sudden and not common, then you can pretty much figure it's due to the packing going on.

Otherwise it's time that he had another check up to make sure everything is flowing smoothly in there. The smallest amount of crystals can make them start doing this everywhere.