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My Manx

18 14:43:00

Hello... I have a Manx cat and i've had him for a few years.. hes my baby, and has an amazing personality...95% of the time...but...ever since he was a keiiten, i've noticed sometimes he has a temper problem....just sometimes out of the blue he will attack when hes mad...and is willing to even jump and bite..he will even wrap his arms around your leg or arm and bite....he has left bite marks and bruises, and sometimes draws blood..if you tell him no, it makes it worse...sometimes if i make him leave the room, in an instant he's fine, like nothing happened...sometimes when we're both just playing, he will stop and do the attack thing, with his ears laid back, so he's friend jokingly says he's bipolar...most of the time he's an onrey, funny, sweet angel...if you have any thoughts as to why he does this, please help

Well I am guessing that this cat is neutered, but you never know. If he isn't, then his temper problem is being exacerbated by his hormones.

If he is, which is more likely, then he might be exhibiting what is known as sexual aggression even though he is neutered.

When cats are played with roughly as kittens or adults they are more likely to bite when playing or out of the blue. Cats that are declawed are also more likely to be biters.

Cats will get frustrated and take it out on the nearest thing around, that is you most of the time. This would account for his sudden attacks on you.

Your friend can joke but this is a very serious problem that can have some very dire consequences for you and your cat. If he continues to exhibit this aggression he could seriously hurt you.

My daughter's cat will do the same thing when my daughter is home and plays with her. She is 23 and on her own but comes to see her cat. This is the only time the cat will get really mad and bite really hard. Why? Because when she was a kitten my daughter would hold her upside down and she didn't like it one bit. So as soon as they start playing she gets more and more aggressive. She never, ever does this with me, even when we play.

Aggression of this type has to be curbed in any way possible. Cats are trainable but you have to be willing to put in the time and effort to do so.

Here is an article on sexual aggression with cats:
While this states that kittens outgrow this we know some of them do not.

Here is another one:

I hope this helps some. I would hate to think that your cat is a danger to you, but he could be.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.