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my 8 month old puppy

18 15:30:36

I have an 8 month old jack russell/ chiuhua puppy and about a month ago
had to take her to the vet, the first vet sent her home undiognosed and
charged me 400 dollars for tests they still cannot provide, i then took her to
another vet who was great and kept her for the weekend and she was better,
they say she had a throat infection. She was lathargic and had a fever yet she
ate normally. She would randomly cry even when no one around they gave
her an antibiotic and pain meds and she was great until yesterday. She
started the crying again and is very attached to me again. She has a hard time
trying to pass a bowl movement more so than normal. I feel she may be
constipated but no stores carry anything for that. I have used laxatone for
cats and today is still not acting right. So given that the last vet bills came to
almost 1400 dollars i do not have the money right now to take her again
since se does not have a fever and is not as lathargic. What should I do?
Could she be constipated? I was given 3 weeks of antibiotics last time and
only instruced to give her two weeks worth. So the last two days I have
started giving it to her again hoping that it would work i do not know what to
do. we have a 2 year old pug who is normal. please help asap. danielle and
prada the pup.

I cannot understand what the puppies problem was when you brought her to the vet the first time. Can you please describe her symptoms in more detail? At first you described what might be a respiratory issue and now it sounds like the signs may be related to her intestines. Antibiotics do not treat constipation so I am wondering whether she may have intestinal parasites. I will need more specific information in order to help you.
Dr. G