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Rabies Shots Purevax versus Imrab

18 15:39:26

I have a 19 y/o indoor cat who weighs approx 4 lbs who gets a yearly Purevax shot. I went in for a grooming and was told she is due her yearly shot.  In order to give the shot she needs a physical plus the shot then they will groom her.  Its goingto cost me a fortune.  Does she really need a shot every year?  They said the physical determines whether she can take the shot or not.  If its state law, than I don't get it.  They used to do the Imrab shot every three years but insist that the Purevax is better.  Can you advise if this is necessary every year or they raping me with the costs.  I live in Connecticut.


Sorry about the late reply, I couldn't get your mail until today for some reason.
I have tried to find out the laws in your country, but couldn't get to them. As it says in my profile, I live in Turkey, so I don't know the laws in US. Sorry, I couldn't help you. If you have further questions regarding the health of your cat, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,
Caglar Kondu, DVM