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type of dog breed

18 16:08:04

My new 8 month old dog looks a bit like a pit bull in the face and head and the body looks like a hound. I am aware that plott hounds and pit bulls have the brindle coloring, which my dog has. I was wondering if you had any other knowledge that could help me figure out what type of dog my dog is? I am hoping he is not a pit bull, but I love him anyway. If it helps, his ears are shorter than regular plott hounds, but his body narrows in the back like all hounds.  

Hi Shiley!

MANY dogs can have brindle coloring, including grey hounds. Its not limited to pits and plott hounds.

What you may have is a good ol Heinz 57 dog.

Believe me, pits are not nasty dogs if they are raised in a loving family, trained properly and taught to lean that people are wonderful.

Hope this helps some!