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18 15:46:10


We need your advice desperately!  We have a 2 year old female boxer named Boots who was recently diagnosed with Cheyletiella.  We had been taking her to our regular vet who first said she had allergies and gave her Medrol for itching.  Then we took her back after the Medrol was ineffective.  She has had skin scrapings, Revolution, etc.  Then he said she had sarcoptic mange.  Well, almost 1800.00 later and minimal relief, we took her to another practice.  The first vet concurred with the dx of sarcoptic mange, started her on Ivermectin and after her third dose, her coat quality had vastly improved and we had stopped itching also.  After her 4th dose was finished, we all quickly returned to itching.  We have no lesions, she doesn't have any either though she did months ago.  When we took her back to the vet, a second vet in the practice, he said absolutely never did she have any of the aforementioned issues, she had Cheyletiella and he put her on Revoltuion which has not helped.  This has been going on for a year.  We are all at our wits end.  Please help.

Thank you,
Holly Birch and family.

Cheyletiella is not really common in dogs unless they are around cats that carry it.  Revolution is not a very good insecticide and I believe that most veterinary dermatologists recommend Frontline Spray (not the top spot product) for this mite.

I have two suggestions.  First, have your vet check for yeasts on the skin.  Often these will show up as some very subtle oily patches on the skin.  This itches terribly and will not respond to ivermectin or selamectin.  Second, if your vet(s) cannot get the itch under control, have a skin biopsy done from the area that the dog it most itchy.  That will tell your vet what type of skin disease is present.