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benadryl for cats?

18 14:12:07

Dr. Gotthelf,
Thank you for your time.  I have a 7 year old short haired cat.  Off and on throughout the year she develops scabs and scratches around her neck and back of the legs.  I keep flea treatments on her each month.  I am planning to take her to the vet soon if it doesn't get better.  I was wondering if cats can take benadryl?  I give it to my dog sometimes and it helps him a lot for his dermatitis.  I am hoping that taking some of the itch out will allow her spots to heal up for good.  Thank you.

You are describing miliary dermatitis, which is an allergic skin disease.  Benadryl or chlorpheniramine (seems better in cats) may work, but usually steroid shots provide quicker and longer lasting relief.  Antihistamines scavenge the histamine that is released from allergies and steroids prevent the release of histamines.