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constipated kitten

18 15:10:40

I have a 4 day old kitten that was abandoned by the mother at birth. I have been bottl feeding it kitty milk since day 1. Yesterday I noticed the kitten was very constipated.  I added a couple of drops of olive oil to its milk and stimulated its tummy and anus area after every feeding. The constipation is better though not totaly cleared, but now there is blood discharge and the anal area is swollen. Any ideas???

You need to stimulate above the anus, not on it. That is why it is irritated and the blood is from that. Stroke the belly of the kitty gently but firmly toward the rectum- but you don't actually rub the rectum.

After the kitty goes then you need to clean it there of course. Use a cotton ball with warm water. Make sure the formula is mixed right too. That can certainly cause this if it is too thick or rich. The olive oil was a good choice.
But the tummy is your target, not the rectum itself.