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Should I adopt bunny with spinal fractures?

18 14:33:14

Hello Jana I would like to ask a question re; a bunny we're wondering about at the shelter.  Currently we have 33 rescue bunnies as pets that we've had for a number of years.  They are a lot of work, some with behavioural problems but we love them all.

I've been wondering about this particular one that came into the shelter in Toronto in late December.  She was diagnosed there as having 3 spinal fractures and at that time had trouble with her bladder and I imagine walking properly.  Not sure tho' about the last part.  

I was told recently that she has improved sooo much, has control over her bladder now, and can hop almost as good as a normal bunny.

We'd love to adopt her but I'm afraid of any future costs involved with ongoing problems.  Do you think it's a good idea considering her injury(ies)?  She's so sweet looking and apparently everyone that has enquired about her was then scared off after finding out the details.  I can understand why and we too have to watch our money more these days.  We do take our present rabbits to vets when needed but worried now about one that may be a 'given'.  You understand.

What could I expect from this little one IF we did take her on?
I am so used to picking up my bunnies and placing them in various locations for exercise shifts as well as them coming out on their own too.  They're used to me and are very good.  I do my own nail trimming on them as well as oral meds if needed, etc.  I'm afraid that I would re-fracture this girl's spine again if I do any of these procedures on her.

Should I just forget it?  I make my own large pens for our bunnies that you can walk into so she'd live in one that she could move around but I'd want her to get some exercise as well, knowing that she cannot jump up or down on anything.

It's really taking a toll on me wondering about all of this.

Thank you so much if you can help!

I am not a bunny expert but I think that any bunny that has had spinal fractures is a huge risk. What would cause these to start with would be my concern and yes, will she get them again, only to have them paralysis her?

I would be of the mind that "oh at least she can have a quality of life with us until that happens" and that is FINE, but just keep that in mind when the day comes that she may fracture it again.

She may never fracture it again if she is confined but has room to hop around. As long as she is cared for and loved up she will be happy.

But you have to decide based on that fact and the fact that she is a huge risk. As far as meds, nail trimmings etc go, you will just have to be extra careful with her.

It seems that you have already thought this out but I am concerned that with 33 rabbits already will you have the extra time it will take for her care?

You may be in a better position than most to care for her on one hand as you seem to have a lot of experience but again, the time factor is a concern.

So I think you need to weigh that against the money for vet bills as well.
I know it's hard to decide, so write a list of pros and cons about adopting her and look it over. The side with the longest list wins...

Let me know how it goes..:-)