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Cat - loss of bladder control

18 14:33:14

Adopted feral it has always been small and is only 6 pounds and about 15 years old. Recently she has lost bladder control. The owner is 85 and living off social security. She took the cat to the VCA vet who said it would take $700 in tests. The owner is 85 and living on social security, this is just too much for tests and does not even address treatment. The vet said a leukemia and HIV were needed, but there is no point as there would be no money to treat. What are the minimum and essential tests that would be needed to diagnose treatable conditions? If there are no treatments within reasonable cost, what would make the cat the most comfortable to extend quality of life?

Well that is a tough one Felix. 15 yr old cats do tend to end up with renal failure and maybe this bladder problem is a result of that. Sometimes the urine becomes so dilute that it's like water and the cat also drinks a lot of water for that reason, then they cannot hold it well at this age.

I would opt for only a blood test to check her kidneys and nothing more. VCA vets are a rip-off because they are corporate bound. Find a small animal hospital near by and take her there.

There is no point in testing a 15 yr old cat for Leukemia and FIV if her kidneys are not working anymore. I can't say whether or not there is any treatment if she is in renal failure. At 15, when a cat has signs of renal (kidney) failure, it means that only between 10 and 15% of the kidneys are even functioning still. The urine becomes diluted because there is no toxins being pulled out of the bloodstream to be removed and they keep circulating in the bloodstream, eventually making the cat very sick.

As I said, I would opt for a small panel for kidney and maybe liver function as well. I understand how tough it is to live on SS, as I am on it myself.

I am really sorry your friends cat is so sick. You may need to prepare her for the worst case scenario here. Call around to local, small vets and ask for their prices for an office call and kidney function tests. Then go from there.

Please let me know how she does or what you find out.