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hepatitis,Gastroenteritis of unknown origin

18 15:45:07

My Jack Russell, 5 Yrs. old, approx weight 18 Pounds/   He has been diganosised Sunday night, been in hosp. since Sunday, IV;s administered, The ALT elevated (2131 U/V) What are his chances for recovery.   Is there anything Other than the CBC=mild relative polycythmia (HCT =62.3%) AND leukocytosis = 19,400 being adminstered at this time.  Will he have to be treated the rest of his life or is there a recovery to this hapatitis?  

Often times liver value elevations in a young animal can be reversed as the liver has the ability to heal itself.  I would recommend testing him for Leptospirosis to be on the safe side.  Unless a biopsy of the liver is done, you can not make a specific diagnosis.  I would also recommend having an ultrasound done, and sometimes a liver biopsy can be done with the guidance of the ultrasoud.

Basically, he should be continued on IV fluids and be given broad spectrum antibiotics.  If he is eating, then I would recommend giving him Denosyl (SAM-E) as well as Milk Thistle, Vitamin E, C and B complex to help support his liver.