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Yeast Infections

18 15:40:34

We have a weim who is 5 years old. He has always been prone to yeast infections, and often has red, itchy ears and chews the skin from his bottom.  Is there any way to prevent this or is there an over the counter medication that we can give him to avoid these constant yeast infections?  One question we always have is that he gets them after staying at the kennel, we aren't sure why.  We really want to stop Dallas's misery though!
Thanks for the help!

Yeast infections are almost always secondary to allergies.  If the dog only does it after being kenneled, then he may be allegic to something at the kennel.  You will have to investigate that.  We use cortisone drugs to relieve the symptoms of allergies, frequent bathing to remove the allergens, and special medications designed to kill yeasts.