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Dog Licking My Puppys Ears Obsessively

18 15:53:02

Hello, I have recently adopted a 10 week old pug puppy and my 1 1/2 year old lab/border collie mix dog constantly licks his little ears. Is this healthy? The puppy has no dirt in there, has been checked by the vet, but often scratches his ears after and seems uncomfortable with this.  

Hi Sandra!  Yes, your lab mix is definitely reacting normally to your new puppy.  This is actually good.  Your lab mix is playing "mother" dog to the puppy and is showing that he/she is happy that the puppy is there.
After the ear cleaning..your puppy may scratch at his ears, as your other dog's saliva may be in them.  After your lab mix cleans your puppy's ears, it may be a good idea to just take a cotton swab and swoop it through the puppy's ears to dry out any saliva that may still be in there.  
I'm so happy the two dogs have taken so well to one another and congrats on your new addition!