Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > 4 month old cat is gagging and dry heaving as though shes trying to cough up a hair ball

4 month old cat is gagging and dry heaving as though shes trying to cough up a hair ball

18 14:50:24

Any help would be VERY APPRECIATED! Yesterday my four month old cat started dry heaving (for lack of better words) and gagging-like, all that would come out is a white substance (sometimes foamy, other times clear). I don't at all think it is a hairball because I give a water-only bath every week. Her eyes are very watery and when she is trying to vomit her body shakes in a very crazy way. I feed her good food and she has been on the same eating schedule since I got her 10weeks ago. Does it sound like she has swallowed something???????????  Sorry so long, thank you!

It sounds like she has a hairball that she is trying to get up. I am concerned about you bathing her weekly. This is way too much for a cat and it could dry out her skin a lot.

What is she eating? Maybe she needs some wet food every day to help her with some moisture. Dry food can cause some issues with some cats, and wet food helps pass hairballs.

If she doesn't stop vomiting after today she should see a vet.