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japensen chin/ rat terrior

18 14:10:38

my dog about 3 days apart he sounds like hes got something caught in his throat I though it was raw hides but I took it away. and when hes sleeps he wakes up like hes choking ive rubbed his neck all the time and then he gages sometimes he throws up ive notice in the snow he rubs his neck with snow and its all better what can I do sometimes were up all night doing this what can it be is it kennel cough allergic what and I don't have a lot of money live on disability can y give me an ideal of what it can be thank y beth

I'm sorry but your dog really needs to see a vet. Is your dog on heartworm medication? He could have heartworms, which will make them cough and gag at times.

He could have just scratched it with the rawhide as well. These treats are really dangerous for dogs and should never be given. Many dogs have choked and died from them.

He could even have a piece of rawhide caught in his tonsil.

Since I cannot see the dog, your dog needs a trip to the vets.

Please call one soon and make him an appointment.