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Overdose of Ibuprophen

18 16:06:36

This morning, about 8 a.m., my 68 lb, 6 year old golden retriever got up on the kitchen counter and ATE the meds I'd just put there for myself: 1 calcium tab, 2 glucosime tabs (700 mgs), and 3 ibuprophen tabs (600 mgs). I didn't take her to emergency, figuring that she'd had a big meal and that though ibuprophen is toxic -- she would not go into kidney failure, etc. It's 8 p.m. of the same day, she's thrown up twice and is obviously not her usual bouncy self. Her eyes look good and her gums are pink and moist. What do you think?  Is there some antidote -- or is too late to do any good with that?

Anytime a dog or cat eats OTC pain meds even if they had food with it, they need to be seen.

I would go see the dr and have some bloodwork done. When you dog initially injested the ibuprofin, you should have given several tablespoons of hydrogren peroxide to induce vomting.

good luck!