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8 week old wont stop vomiting

18 14:07:53

I picked up an 8 week old puppy from a breeder two days ago. The breeder was feeding the puppies an adult food, and i started feeding her the same brand in puppy version. The second night she puked twice in her crate about 2 hours apart. It was just bile. Today she puked up 2 hours after eating lunch, but had pooed twice right before throwing up. We put her in her crate again and she ended up puking up bile about half an hour later, and then again 30 minutes after that and now continually every hour. She also now has mucus diarrhea

Your dog is very sick. She could have gastritis or pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is very dangerous because the pancreas gets so inflamed that it starts to digest itself. It is also very painful.
Most likely she has a nasty case of gastritis from changing the food too fast. While you are right to give her puppy food, switching too quickly can cause major digestive upsets.

She needs to see a vet as soon as possible because you cannot give her fluids while she is vomiting this much and she is going to get dehydrated very quickly, which can be fatal to young puppies. They just don't have much reserve to keep up.

If she was vomiting once in a while I would say wait till morning but continually is very bad. You need to call your vet if they do after hours or an ER vet. She need IV fluids very quickly.

She could also have parvo if she hasn't been vaccinated. Regardless of what she has, her symptoms are very serious, so please call a vet asap!!