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Cat has a sliver

18 15:03:23

Hi there! I just pulled a 1/2 inch sharp pine needle out of my cat! She goes outside and most likely crawled under the shrubs out front and got a dead needle imbedded in her upper chest. I got the whole thing out and she isn't in any discomfort that I can tell. However, when I palpate the area, there is a small firm "mass" under her skin. I think this is probably a sign of infection as I don't know how long the pine needle was embedded in her. Is it ok to keep an eye on her or should I take her in right away to my vet?

Heather -

The form mass you described may be an abscess caused by the pine needle. Abscesses occur very often in cats.   The skin of the cat tends to overreact to scratches and wounds as it tries to heal causing abscesses.  Have your cat examined by a veterinarian to determine if the mass in indeed an abscess.  There is also the possibility that that lump may be cancerous; do not hesitate to have it evaluated.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM