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Continual Scratching

18 15:03:18


Hello. We have a 2 year old Female Cavachon dog. In case you are not familiar
with this breed of dog, she is a mix between a King Charles Spaniel and a
Bichon Frise. My question is this, what is your opinion to be the cause of her
scratching and digging all the time on her chin and around her mouth? We
have taken her to the vet 2 times and inquired about this problem and the
second time she told me she gets bacteria around her mouth due to her chin
always staying wet and the hair follicles get infected?  So, she told me to use
this shampoo called "Allegroom" and wash her chin every day and it would
stop. I don't wash her chin every day, but have often, and she still scratches
and itches it. I was just wanting a second opinion on this and see if maybe
you had another idea of what the problem might be and what I could do to
help with the digging and scratching. Thank you so much. lb

Sometimes it is a bacterial folliculitis called juvenille acne.  Often this is from plastic food bowls. So you might try changing to ceramic or stainless steel bowls. IF it is a bacterial infection, antibiotics may help.    Sometimes this can be caused from mange mites or a yeast infection.  Ask the vet to do skin scrapings to look for these.  They are treated completely differently.