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Chinese crested ears

18 15:01:43

Hello I have a 7 month old Chinese crested hairless when I got him I didn't
wanted to tape his ears so they could stand because I though he would be in
pain but now he is 7 months and the ears are still down. My question is. Is it
to late to tape his ears or will he stand them on his own?
Thank you

Most dog's ears will stand by 12 weeks of age. If they are not by then, then they will need help of some sort. I would guess it's a bit late to tape them now.
You might want to ask your vet what they might be able to do for them, but it will entail surgery at this point.
I don't know if the pain and after care are worth it if he isn't being shown.
At any rate, you need to find out if there is anything that can be done at this time.