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Something is seriously wrong with my baby please help

18 14:27:35

I have a 5 year old Pitbull mix. I got him when he was three weeks old, bottle fed him and he had been great up until last week. He had an episode and bit a friend of mine. He went to quarantine and I just got him out today. I noticed his testicles are very swollen and red. I tried to touch the area to look for a bite or something and he growled and walked off. He has always had a great temperament and before today I could do anything I wanted to him. He seems to be in pain and his bark is weak. I now have no money to take him to the vet because I just spent it getting him out of jail. Please let me know if you think the temper issues he is having could have anything to do with an infection or disease he may have contracted. If so is there any way to treat this temporarily until I get paid? Please let me know ASAP I don't want him to suffer anymore than he already has.

Okay I am a bit confused. You didn't notice if his testicles were like this before he went to the pound for his quarantine? How long was he in there?

I don't know if or how he would have contracted anything, but he might have been in a fight before he bit your friend and got bit on the scrotum during the fight.

One thing is for sure, you need to get this dog neutered no matter what. Once they bite like that, it will happen again.

You can try and use some alternate warm and cool compresses on the area to take the swelling down and help with the pain. One buffered aspirin with food twice a day will also help some.

I hope that you can get his condition under control and get him in quickly to be neutered. Otherwise you might have an aggression issue that will grow out of control very quickly.