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Beagle ear infections

18 16:05:16

My beagle is almost 3 years old.  He has had constant ear infections since we got him at 6 months.

We had him on Medrol shots every six weeks but he still had problems.  He is currently on Medrol 4mg 1 to 2 tablets every other day.  This doesn't seem to help much either.

His symptoms are his ears are hot, very yeasty smelling, they seem to be juicy lately, he digs in his ears all the time and he walks with his head lopsided.

He also sees the vet regularly.  Is there anyway to help this poor guy?

He may have an allergy to the food if the Medrol is not helping.  If there is lots of liquid in the ears and a head tilt, the eardrums are probably ruptured and there is a middle ear infection.  Find a vet that can diagnose and treat a iddle ear infection.