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Our Dog, Cherub

18 14:22:11

1/2 Llaso-apso & 1/2 Shitzui

Cherub appears to be very healthy...just getting older..13 in June.

He turns away from his fav foods...likes to eat grass, and sometimes will throw-up.

Vet's cannot find anything wrong...maybe, just a thyroid reading low. He got dehydrated...put him on an IV overnite...he's drinking water, again...he has lost 9-pounds, so far.

Any suggestions as to how to improve his eating? Why does he not want food...only sometimes, and then, it will be mostly treats.

Dear Gary,
My computer is not functioning or I could give you 10 pages of information. Please read earlier posts for the 7 keys to health, Reiki, Finding a healer, learning healing yourself, working with a holistic veterinarian and more.

Now that I have been trained in holistic approaches I can tell you that Cherub CAN be helped. There are many great integrative veterinarians in CA, so find one and read my prior posts.,,,, to find holistic vets or email me at with your town name and closest big cities.

For now, you can try to feed any kind of people food, especially raw meat (and 1/2 Teaspoon finely ground egg shells with each pound of meat). Fish, meat, dairy, eggs, finely pureed vegetables. Try to avoid grains but if he wants a piece of toast right now, that is fine to get him going. Go to a local holistic pet store to buy some treats he may like and a great vitamin. Check out my site for more information and products. HE CAN BE HELPED.