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Cat Urination on Bed

18 14:48:36

We have a female tabby four years old( she has always been skittish but is loving to my husband on myself) who recently lost her male cat roommate they were very close, slept together etc. right after we put male down due to illness we had to board Bella
at a friends house for ten days, she came home with bad fleas!
about two months ago we brought home a 6 month old female cat
who dominates Bella and they hiss alot at each other, we figured initially this is normal. Has been three months and new little girl still attacks Bella.  We went on vacation and left the two of them for ten days, my neighbor visiting twice daily and
spent time with them.  All of a sudden Bella urinated on my husbands side of the bed, just one time while we were away.
following month we went away again for three days and she did it again in the same exact spot!  we just dont know what to make of this? Any ideas?  Thank You

She is telling you off in the only way she knows how to. Wetting on your bed is her way of telling you to stop leaving her alone with this other cat.  

I am confused however as you said you brought home a new cat 2 months ago but then you said it's been three months so is this the same cat or another one?

I think that you either need to board Bella at a vet hospital or boarding facility or board out the other cat and leave Bella home alone. One way or the other she will keep showing you her displeasure at being left with this other cat. Now eventually this will all pass but for now you have one ticked off cat.

Cats always tell us how they feel in some way and the most common way that we see is that they urinate somewhere that is sure to get your attention.

So she is asking you to please fix this some how.

It is up to you to figure out how to do that.