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is milk good to feed him?

18 15:16:09

i have a six week old miniature Chihuahua and he doesn't like water at all i put some water on my finger and he licks it but when he gets to his bowl he wont drink it he only drinks worm milk but i only put a little bit of milk and some water and mix it and warm it up and i also put in some dog food and mix it all up and he eats it all. Is that good for him or bad?

Vanessa:  It is ok for you to give him a very small amount of warm milk each day.  I wonder if he would like the puppy formula brands.  It has much more calories than the human milk.

Also, we have some supplements for pups here:  make sure your look at the Powder Form of NuVET Plus - this can be mixed into some dry food and a little water or some WET canned food...
Just a very small amount of NuVET will help him to stay healthy..

Good Luck,

Marie Peppers, LPN MA
Canine Nutrition & Health

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