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my 5 week old kitten is very sick please help

18 15:16:09

QUESTION: my cat dixie had kittens 5 weeks ago.the first one came out breached which was the black one my mom had to save it.then the orange one came out just fine.that was 5 weeks ago.we woke up in the morning 2 days ago and the black kittens eye was bright blue!like a caterac but it was worse then that.we went to the store and when we got back it was blue or anything he could see and everything.then last night the black kitten was just laying there lifeless.i am 13 and i always watch animal planet and want to be a vet so i checked to see if it was dehydrated and he i took a suringe(w/out the needle)and gave him some water cause he wouldn't today when you pick him up he's going limp and is very weak.his gums are white,he has labored breathing,and won't parents don't have the money to bring him to the vet and idk what else to do.i fear taht he's gonna die.when he does stand up its only for a few seconds and he's all wobbly when his brother is fine.the black one is skinny while the orange one if fine he runs,plays and everything.i was thinking either dehydration,worms,or aneimia.what can i do to help him.please help me.i don't want him to die :(

ANSWER: Hello christina, I am sorry to say that this little one is going to die very soon.  He is beyond saving at this point.  He needed to see a vet and get I.V. fluids and antibiotics.  His little body was weak and any fluids you gave could not help him.

Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job.  Sometimes the weak ones will die and there is nothing we can do.
Please just hold him in a little blanket and keep him warm.  Offer him fluids only if he wants them.  Don't worry about getting fluids into him unless he is willing to take the syringe.  

Tell MOM and DAD to get this cat spayed as soon as possible.  That way you won't have to go thru this again.

Good Luck with the other kitten.

Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: your were right.i slept with him next to me in my bed last night and stayed up almost all night with him.i fell asleep for like 45 mins and when i woke up he was too far gone.he died in my hands.:( and yea we were going to get her fixed but when we made the appointment she was too far along in the pregnancy and they couldn't terminate.all of our animals are fixed.i tried everything to get him to nurse and drink from the suringe but sadly he died at 5:45 am on august 10,2008.thank you for all your help and i would like to keep in touch with you if i have some more questions.i was gonna keep that kitten but i guess we'll just keep the mom or orange one insted.we were gonna get dixie fixed then get rid of her cause she has a thing with jumping up on the counters.and we've tried to stop the habit by squirting her with a water bottle and it doesn't work.and a few days ago the kitten was fine.he played and everything.idk what's getting light enough now so i need to go bury the kitten.:( i've never lost a kitten before only a puppy that got it's kinda a first for me:(

Hello again, Sorry about the loss... I knew it was close and I am glad you held him while he was going to sleep forever...
YOU did a good thing comforting this little kitten boy.

I know you will make a Wonderful Vet or Vet Assistant... Also, you should consider being a nurse for humans,too.  That is what I was for 17 years, a Pediatric Nurse.  

Went to a great college in Boston, Massachusetts.

Yes, keep in contact with me.  

Thinking of you!

Marie Peppers

Marie Peppers, LPN MA
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