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Horse Stepped on Puppy

18 14:50:01

QUESTION: Our Puppy took off after our rooster, into the pasture on the farm. our belgian mare is very witchy towards the rooster and went to attack him. As a result our puppy got in the way and was stepped on by our belgian mare. The puppy yelped & can softly walk around. but we carried her back to the house & she has vomited twice with a few shutters and shakes & a bit of a limp but when i applied pressure to her leg & rotation for stress her leg is fine. But as of 2 hours later to go out and pee she was urinating blood. Her vitals are all normal, she can even put wieght and walk slowly & softly on the leg. but we have her laying down between pillows. and she is just a 30 lb Rottweiler. Wags her tail and is cherful just laying there with her chewy, but we are very worried about thie bloody urine, vomiting and shuttery shaking. Its about 57 degrees out and windy but our other two puppys are not cold. I would rather see if we cant find out if our puppy just needs to rest and heal. Possibly give her some antibiotics that i do have & pain meds before going to the vet for a outragious bill to find out what I alreay know and have to give her.

ANSWER: Your puppy might have a ruptured bladder or damaged kidneys. If she isn't urinating very much today or it is still bloody, you should not wait.
Kidney damage like that can be fatal. Vomiting could be from stress but if she she had some internal damage she would vomit.

I am not a vet and would not want to tell you to wait and see because if she has a slow bleeding leak from her kidney she will not survive it.
You should at least call your vet or an ER vet and ask them what to watch for. Color of her gums, her temperature, whether or not she is eating, etc.

Please don't wait too long.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It has possibly been about 8 hours now and I have visualy watched her urinate a few times. All urine was blood free! She is still limping a little worse, but I havent taken her out much at all or allow her to walk. Im figuring its just sore. I know when i injur myself it doesnt really HURT for a few hours, or even the next day. so Her pee is clear of blood and she is still happy and cheerful with excitment. We both really havent moved from the couch, i called into work to stay with her. Our normal vet is not open past noon on saturdays and is deffinatly not open on Sunday. Unfortunatly we will have to wait untill Monday. I'am just keeping a close track of her unrination and water/food intake. Good thing is she is eatting normal and I have had dogs for many years and have some experiance. Just never with a squishing of a puppy. Being she is Rottweiler, and with a hostory od displacia problem in the breed, i do belive she will have a rear limp for life. As a male i had in the past jumped out a two story window to catch the floaty in the pool. Missed by a long shot and hit concrete. from then he limped on his shoulder for 13 years, but never had a issue with his HD/ED test he was laid to rest at 14 years old with arthritis in his rear! She is comfortable untill Monday to bring her into the vets.

Well I am glad to hear that she is doing better, but as far as her limp goes, if she injured a growth plate on her leg she is going to have much worse than just a limp.

I don't know which leg it is (I don't see if it's front or back) but a growth plate injury can cause some real deformities to the limb if they are not treated.

I would give her until Monday and if she is still limping you should have the vet look over her leg.
She will be fine until then it sounds like. I am glad she is out of the worst anyway!
Thanks for letting me know.