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my dog is vommiting

18 14:50:01

we just got a 6week old dog and when we brought her home she started to vomit. since she has been home she has vomited 4 times. i really need your help what's wrong with my dog

Too sudden changes in food, environment, sleeping arrangements, stress. All of those can make a puppy vomit, but the most likely would be the food being changed too fast.

She could also have parvo virus. She could have been incubating it where she was living and then the stress of the move and new home lowered her immune system and she then came down with the virus. That is usually followed by or concurrent with diarrhea, almost always bloody.

Has she had any vaccinations and what kind of puppy is she? Breed has something to do with their weakness toward Parvo or their propensity to get it. Pitbulls, rottweilers, chihuahuas, dobermans, dalmations, etc are more likely to get parvo than a mutt or a cocker spaniel.

Take her food up for one day and only let her drink from ice cubes in her bowl. Give her GI tract a rest and then give her a small amount of warm boiled white rice with no salt.
That will help settle her stomach. If she continues to vomit you need to call the vet because she can get dehydrated really fast and she is too little for that. Get some gatorade in her also. Parvo can be deadly so don't wait.