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18 15:46:21

Is it true that parsely kills cats if injested?

another question: My cat is an angora. she is white in color but her tail has a peculiar brown color especially at the hair roots..
The vet said that this is a fungal infection yet i am not sure about it since the medication which she took for 3  months didnt work. Moreover, some brown pieces are coming out of the brown area..
what do u thinK?  

Hello there.

Did your vet run a fungal culture on your cat? If not, run away.  It is SO important with a diagnosis of a fungal infection that they run a culture. UNLESS they were speaking of yeast. What kind of meds is your cat on?

My white cat and many white cats that I have met have the same thing you are describing. The veterinarian (who is AAFP certified) calls it 'stud tail'. When the sebaceous glands go into over drive and you get this gunky brown stuff at the roots of the hair shaft on the tail. It does not smell, but the hair pulls out easily since the hair follicle is clogged.

It can be helped with a degreasing shampoo(hence DAWN liquid dish detergent) and brushing that area frequently.

But that is my personal experience and the experience of many white cats I have worked with. It is more noticable in the white ones.