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cat vomiting - follow-up

18 14:38:49

unfortunately our cat did not get better.  he continued to vomit yesterday and all through the night.  he hasnt eaten since monday.  i called the vet and took him over first thing this morning.  he really didn't have any answers for us either.  he asked if he got into any trash bags or chemicals?  i said obviously not.  we have a three year old son so we don't leave things like that out in the open.  he examined his stomach and did not feel anything strange, like blockage, and his stomach was not tender to the dr's touch, the cat didn't seem to mind.  he injected him with some fluids to rehydrate and vit. B complex and cerenia.  he has been sleeping all day and no vomiting so far.  if it does not subside by friday he suggested xrays and blood work.  i have been racking my brain thinking about any possiblities for his illness.  he gets frontline, but a couple of months ago i saw a tick crawling on top of his fur.  he's strictly indoors but there are woods behind our house. maybe it came in on our shoes or something.  would lyme disease cause these symptoms. the tick was not embedded in him when i saw it but i don't know about previously.  i did not think of this, this morning to ask the vet.  any other information would be greatly appreciated.

I hope he sent him home with some things to help keep the vomiting from coming back and some food for him to eat that will be easy on his stomach, like feline I/D or something bland but nutritious.
I am glad to hear that he hasn't vomited today. Did the vet do some blood work to see how his liver and kidneys are doing? That would be very helpful for his treatment plan.

Ticks usually do not cause these type of symptoms nor does Lyme's disease.
The vet was asking about chemicals, etc because while cats normally do not eat toxins the way dogs do, they do eat plants etc that are toxic.
Since he is vomiting and not eating my concern would be how his liver is holding up and if there is any kidney involvement to begin with.

Kidney disease will cause vomiting in cats and it is not a disease that is relegated only to elderly cats. It can strike at any age, but that is probably not what's going on here either.

I would look around the house, Shasta and look closely at your house plants to see if he was chewing on any of them. Gastritis can cause this type of vomiting off and on with bile and it can be caused from eating plants or things that start an irritation in the stomach. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach.

I don't know if I can add any more Shasta so I will close by saying that I hope he gets well soon. You did well by taking him in right away. Please keep me informed on how he does.