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why kitten coughs

18 15:16:10

QUESTION: Hi. I'm a new kitten owner,never had cat in my life, always had dogs.I'm still learning about cat/kitten, quite different with dogs.  I have 2 kittens, both male, 3 months old, I just heard one of them coughed for a few seconds an hour ago,it sounded like he had something in his throat. I gave him water, he drank a bit and he stopped coughing. He eats normal today, I just brought both kittens to the vet yesterday to get worm and fleas vaccines, and the vet said both kittens in good condition. Do I have to worry about this coughing? I heard, when a cat sneezes, it isn't a good sign, what about coughing? Thanks for your help..

ANSWER: Hello - cats and kittens have a tendency to sneeze or cough - It is a way to clear the throat and nasal pasages.  As long as there is no drainage, from the nose, then don't worry.

Glad you saw the vet and had a good check-up.

Best wishes on the new kittens..

Marie Peppers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the reply. It helps a lot to understand more, my kitten cough every night, once at least, last night he cough twice, and it sounded like he wanted to cough something out of his throat. He eats normal, drink normal, activity normal, still playing, running around  with the other kitten. He doesn't appear sick, but still coughing... so do i have to bring him to the vet?

Hi again - You were just at the vet and all was well.  Keep an eye on this and see if they "grow" out of it.  Cats do cough to release hair balls... You can get some hair ball paste - here is a link so you know what I am talking about:
You can find this type of product in any pet store:

If you would like to start a good supplement for the cats, look here - this is not sold in any store:
Excellent for your kittens or cats - a powder you mix into the food...
use vet code 81098  ( breeder's and vet code) They can't sell to the public without a code...
cost is about .25 cents per day, per kitten...

Let me know if you need more help...

Marie Peppers